Á propos des troncations de noms propres - les spécificités des mots onomastiques tronqués

To chci

This paper focuses on the current trend of using clipped or abbreviated proper names in contemporary French. Its aim is to describe the specific features of onomastics in the French language. The treatment is based on the author’s doctoral thesis defended in 2012 at the Faculty of Arts of Palackÿ University in Olomouc, in which clipping was found to often celý popis

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Podrobná bibliografie

Hlavní autor:
Radka Mudrochová, 1983-
Typ dokumentu:
Publikováno v:
Linguistica Pragensia. -- ISSN 0862-8432. -- Vol. 24, No. 1 (2014), pp. 34-44
Fyzický popis:
5 tabulek.
Obsahuje seznam literatury

